Amour Fou

Genre: Feature film / Trailer
Year: 2013/2014
Runtime: 01:36 min
Description: A young poet – ostensibly modeled after Heinrich von Kleist – suffers from the world-weariness of his times. While this is not uncommon in the Berlin of the romantic era, his will to live is further diminished by his lack of artistic success. The poet is determined: Suicide is the only way. Yet he does not want to leave this world alone. Wouldn't it be ideal to immortalize the love between two people in death? His cousin Marie objects and will not be convinced to die at his side. Eventually, the artist finds an unflinching partner for his suicide pact in young mother Henriette.
Provider: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rights: In Copyright / Neue Visionen Filmverleih GmbH (Berlin)
Director: Jessica Hausner
Document type:
Language: de